Developer: FutureX
Options: +7
Version: 1.0
Game’s Release Date: 1 April 2024
Content Warning [2024] is a new interesting casual action game. If you survive, you need to get back in the diving bell to transport you and the remaining members of your team to the surface. Upload your chaotic footage to SpookTube, settle in for a watch party, and wait for the views to tick up!
Cheat Options:
✓ HOME: Activation Key
✓ Numpad 1: Infinite Health
✓ Numpad 2: Infinite Oxygen
✓ Numpad 3: Infinite Views
✓ Numpad 4: Unlimited Items
✓ Numpad 5: Super Stealth
✓ Numpad 6: Super Speed
On this page you can get free Content Warning Trainer created by FutureX for game version 1.0 (PC / Steam).