Zapling Bygone Trainer (v1.1.1)

Developer: iNvIcTUs oRCuS
Options: +5
Version: 1.1.1
Game’s Release Date: August 2022

Zapling Bygone [2022] is a twisted metroidvania where you murder your foes and steal their abilities by wearing their skulls and absorbing their consciousness into your hive-mind.

Cheat Options:

✓ Num 1: Unlimited Health
✓ Num 2: Unlimited Items
✓ Num 3: Easy Kills
✓ Num 4: Super JUmp
✓ Num 5: Super Speed

On this page you can get free Zapling Bygone Trainer created by iNvIcTUs oRCuS for game version 1.1.1 (PC / Steam).