Developer: FutureX
Options: +10
Version: 1.02
Game’s Release Date: 5 August 2022
Lys and Ruka’s Magical Bag [2022] combines smooth, fast-paced action RPG gameplay with the roguelike formula where you use items you pick up to slip out of terrible situations! Lystia’s magic bag works like a puzzle game, where you rearrange items and power them up by getting multiples. Spirit stones broaden your options even further—for example, by allowing you to use more than one weapon or spell at the same time. Strengthening items is essential for completing dungeons!
✓ Home — Activation Key
✓ Numpad 1: Unlimited Health
✓ Numpad 2: Unlimited Mana
✓ Numpad 3: Unlimited Stamina
✓ Numpad 4: Unlimited Gold
✓ Numpad 5: Unlimited Items
✓ Numpad 6: Unlimited Experience
✓ Numpad 7: No Cooldown
✓ Numpad 8: Maximum Stats
✓ Numpad 9: One Hit Kills
On this page you can get free Lys and Ruka’s Magical Bag Trainer created by FutureX for game version 1.02 (PC / Steam).