Farlands Trainer +12 (v0.1.10)

Developer: CheatHappens
Options: +12
Version: Alpha 0.1.10
Game’s Release Date: 24 July 2024

If you want to download Farlands Trainer for free, you can do it right on this page! This cheat works on the game version Alpha 0.1.10 and above. Trainer includes 12 different functions, using which you can get a big advantage in the game.

Congratulations, you’ve bought your own planet! An agrarian rock at the edge of the galaxy that, for some reason, was practically being given away for free. So the time has come to leave your hectic, stressful life in an overcrowded metropolis for a more rural and rewarding life.


★ NumPad 1: Unlimited Energy
★ NumPad 2: Unlimited Space Ship Travel Cells
★ NumPad 3: Item Pickup Multiplier
★ NumPad 4: Freeze Time of Day
★ NumPad 5: Easy Crafting
★ NumPad 6: Super Speed

Editor Options
# Currency
★ Credits

# Environment
★ Day
★ Name of Day
★ Year
★ Time of Day
★ Time of Day Multiplier

Farlands v0.1.10 Trainer +12