Fade To Silence 1.0.2022 Trainer +20

Developer: CheatHappens
Trainer Options: +20
Version: 1.0.2022
Language: English
Game’s Release Date: 2019
Rating: 12345 Загрузка...

If you want to download Fade To Silence Trainer for free, you can do it right on this page! This cheat works on the game version 1.0.2022. Trainer includes 20 different functions, using which you can get a big advantage in the game. Fade to Silence is a single-player and co-op survival adventure set in a post-apocalyptic world that is frozen in an eternal winter. Snow and ice have shaped a merciless landscape. Nature is corrupted. Monstrous creatures out of an Eldritch horror dream roam the frozen wasteland.

List of Functions:

★ NumPad 1: Unlimited Health
★ NumPad 2: Unlimited Stamina
★ NumPad 3: No Hypothermia
★ NumPad 4: Super Damage
★ NumPad 5: Unlimited Torch Duration
★ NumPad 6: Unlimited Item Usage
★ NumPad 7: Unlimited Ammo
★ NumPad 8: Easy Crafting
★ NumPad 9: Game Speed

Editor Options

— Player Stats: Current Health
— Player Stats: Max Health
— Player Stats: Current Stamina
— Player Stats: Max Stamina
— Player Stats: Current Hypothermia Level
— Player Stats: Current Freezing
— Player Stats: Max Freezing
— Player Stats: Current Hunger
— Player Stats: Max Hunger
— Player Stats: Current Lives/Flames of Hope Used
— Player Stats: Max Lives/Flames of Hope

Fade To Silence 1.0.2022 Trainer +20