Developer: CheatHappens
Options: +12
Version: 0.8.9004
Game’s Release Date: 26 August 2024
If you want to download Endzone 2 Trainer for free, you can do it right on this page! This cheat works on the game version 0.8.9004 and above. Trainer includes 12 different functions, using which you can get a big advantage in the game.
Survive in a world of constant threats, including radioactively contaminated ground, droughts, toxic rain, and sandstorms. Grow and expand your settlement, research technologies, refine resources, and manage your economy by building an efficient infrastructure.
★ NumPad 1: Max State of Health Bar
★ NumPad 2: Max Confidence Bar
★ NumPad 3: No Radioactive Contamination Bar
★ NumPad 4: No Soil Radiation
★ NumPad 5: No Consume Resources by Settlers
★ NumPad 6: Resources are Added Instead of Consumed
★ NumPad 7: Easy Construction
★ NumPad 8: Buildings Unlocked
★ NumPad 9: No Adults Die
★ Multiply: Freeze Time of Day
★ Add: Game Speed
Editor Options
# Technology
★ Technology Points
Endzone 2 v0.8.9004 Trainer +12