Control (2020) Trainer +8 (0.0.342.3783)

Developer: CheatHappens
Trainer Options: +8
Version: 0.0.342.3783
Language: English
Game’s Release Date: 27 August 2020
Rating: 12345 Загрузка...

If you want to download Control Trainer for free, you can do it right on this page! This cheat works on the game version DirectX-11 0.0.342.3783 and above. Trainer includes 8 different functions, using which you can get a big advantage in the game. From developer Remedy Entertainment, this supernatural 3rd person action-adventure will challenge you to master the combination of supernatural abilities, modifiable loadouts, and reactive environments while fighting through a deep and unpredictable world.

Cheat Functions:

★ NumPad 1: Unlimited Health
★ NumPad 2: No Reload
★ NumPad 3: Unlimited Telekinesis Power
★ NumPad 4: Easy Astral Constructs / Level Upgrades
★ NumPad 5: Unlimited Mission Timer
★ NumPad 6: Game Speed

Editor Options
★ Currency: Materials Credits
★ Currency: Upgrade Points

Control (2020) Trainer +8