Developer: LIRW
Options: +4
Version: 1.0
Game’s Release Date: 6 September 2024
CATO: Buttered Cat [2024] is an adorable puzzle platformer, inspired by the buttered-cat paradox meme: Cats always land on their feet, and toast always lands buttered side down. By strapping a piece of buttered toast to a cat’s back, you create a paradox that results in an infinitely spinning, floating butter-cat perpetual motion machine!
Cheat Options:
✓ Numpad 1: Infinite Health
✓ Numpad 2: Super Speed
✓ Numpad 3: Super Jump
✓ Numpad 4: Easy Kill
On this page you can get free CATO: Buttered Cat Trainer created by LIRW for game version 1.0 (PC / Steam).